Insurance companies exist to mitigate the effect of loss or damage that individuals or businesses may suffer through unforeseen circumstances. They operate by entering into an insurance contract with their customers. This contract typically contains an agreement or undertaken by the customers called the policy holders to pay a regular fee called the premium on the condition that the insurance company reimburses them if they suffer a loss or damage. This section features the various types of insurance companies and customers perception of them. As you shall soon see, the knowledge of this will not only assist you in selecting the best insurance company for you, it will also assist you in selecting the best insurance policy to protect you against loss or damage. Insurance companies are majorly categorized based on the res or subject matter of the insurance contract. Life insurance companies pay an amount of money to the beneficiaries of the insured upon his death, property insurance companies pay the policy holder when there is a damage or loss to the insured property. Error and omission insurance companies are not quite popular, they cater for very unique needs like kidnap and ransom. Whether you are thinking of taking car insurance, life insurance, home insurance and what have you, the importance of reading trusted reviews on our site cannot be overemphasized. These reviews will shed light on grey areas and most importantly tell you the quality of services rendered by the reviewed insurance companies. It will answer fundamental questions like how long do I have to wait before making a claim? It will allow you to compare quotes from various insurance companies rendering the same services on.