Gas bedrijven vergelijken
Gas bedrijven (7)

Energy Helpline
Most people might think considering the energy and electricity supply provider for your home or trying to switch provider is overreacting, simply because they all provide the same services. However, if you consider the importance of energy and electr

Heating oil is a low viscous, liquid product that originated from the distillation of petroleum as a subsidiary product of crude oil. It’s comparable to diesel in terms of properties. However, there is a difference in chemical composition. Heat

Shell Energy
A lot of the energy we use comes from fossil fuels and this has caused an adverse effect on the environment. As such, it is important to learn how to consume energy safely and efficiently. Being energy-efficient will help you to save money by reducin

Regardless of the type of boiler that we have in our house -gas, diesel, electric or biomass-, all of them must be maintained. With it, optimal combustion, better energy efficiency and longer useful life are guaranteed, as well as the safety and

Boilers are essential in many homes to heat water and provide hot water that can reach every outlet in the home. When a boiler becomes spoilt or damaged, a lot of people go into a panic because of the cost and time it would take to obtain a new boile

Coal is a brownish-black or black rock that is volatile. Coal is composed of various elements such as carbon that forms its major constituent alongside hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen, and oxygen. Coal is gotten from the decay of dead plants, which are tr

Winter is a period where people need coats and various layers of clothes to step out or go to work. In more temperate environments, where temperatures may be as low as 1 degree Celsius or further, homes are heated with the aid of firewood logs or coa